Bognor Regis and Littlehampton Conservative Association
Bognor Regis and Littlehampton Conservative Association is the local chapter of the Conservatives in our area. The Conservatives have local chapter for each parliamentary constituency, and the Bognor Regis and Littlehampton Conservative Association (or BRLCA) covers the towns of Bognor Regis and Littlehampton, and the villages of Aldwick, Ancton, Clymping, Elmer, Felpham, Ford, Middleton, Rustington, Toddington, Wick and Yapton.
Our constituency is situated south of the Downs which is a part of the south coast strip. The northern area is rural and beautiful countryside. The Conservatives have control of the district and county councils. We strive to deliver Conservative Party aims and policies, to deliver high quality services at the lowest possible cost to the council tax payer.
Our Association matches the boundaries of the Bognor Regis and Littlehampton parliamentary constituency, and the constituency has an electorate of 77,000 and a population of 105,000. The Association has been in existence since 1997, and we're pleased to say that we have returned a Conservative MP to Westminster in every election since 1997. At the 2019 general election was 63.4% on a turnout of 66%.
Our constituency is represented by three levels of local government: West Sussex County Council, Arun District Council and Town/Parish Councils. The Conservatives run the county council and we are the largest party on the district council as well. You can find the details of your local councillor on the 'Our team' page.
The Constituency Association is broken down into a number of branches who each represent and maintain a link to their local communities, these are: Aldwick, Bognor Regis, Felpham, Littlehampton, Middleton and Rustington. These branches are responsible for a large amount of the Association's work in campaigning and fundraising. They undertake canvassing, deliver literature and organise events, as well as holding frequent membership drives.
Supporting our fundraising activities is as important a way of helping the Association as any other. It might seem that we are always asking for money, but most of our local party's funds come from the subscriptions and efforts of our members. Unlike the Labour Party, we are not bankrolled by the Unions; we rely on donations from people like you.
Our Association is organised as follows:
- A Management Committee, comprised of the Officers, who are responsible for managing the Association day-to-day. The Officers are Chairman, Deputy Chairman (Political and Campaigning), Deputy Chairman (Membership and Fundraising), four Vice Chairman, Secretary and Hon Treasurer.
- An Executive Council which provides strategic direction to the Association. The Executive is comprised of the Officers and representatives from each branch.
- Local branches that represent members in each ward. Each branch has its own elected officers.